Friday, February 22, 2013

Six Months!!!!!!

Happy Half-Birthday Baby Yoshi!!!!!  Peyton is six months old today!!!!!!!!!!!!!  We can't believe our little buddy is so big already!

What a happy day!  Unfortunately, today he also had to get his six month vaccinations.  Sad face.  Mom usually cries more than The Yosh, however.

This is Peyton before the dreaded shots.


After a few snuggles and a nap, Baby Yosh was back to his old self playing and eating crinkle books.

We found out that he is 18 lbs 10 oz and 26.5 inches long!  His head size is also in the 99th percentile...because he obviously has a huge brain.  :)

See you next month (or maybe before if we have an exciting update)!!!!

Wednesday, February 20, 2013

Twenty-Six Weeks!

Baby Yoshi is 26 weeks old today!  In two days he will be exactly 6 months old!  Time flies!!!!!!

(Cereal face!!!!!)

This week...

Baby Yosh tried applesauce.



Peyton enjoyed playing horse and reading books with Grandma!

He liked playing 'up' with Grandpa....he sure is getting strong!

Baby Yosh had his first Valentine's Day!  XO

Peyton liked watching Baby Einstein from his Bumbo.

He also liked to play on the tray attachment AND sit in it to relax in his robe. 

No independent sitting yet!  But, no big deal because this robe is still awesome.  Soon he will be sitting up on his own.  We are working on it!

Baby Yoshi is getting really good at folding himself in half and eating his toes!  Gross!  :)

He also does a lot of babbling.  Mom thinks this sounds like he is saying 'mama'.  What do you think??

Grandma got a high chair seat for Peyton to use at her house!

The Yosh took another trip with Mom and Dad through the car wash!  And he wasn't even scared!!

Since he is getting stronger, he can sit on Dad's shoulders...while wearing a hat!!!

He also spent a lot of time staring at Uncle Mike.

And sleeping...

And playing...

And fighting off squirrels at the Barnes and Noble...

And laughing...

And being cute!

Now, before we sign off for today...we have a sad announcement.  Please get your Kleenex.  From now on we will only be posting a monthly update.  :(  Mom has to go back to work and won't have as much time to do this blog.

Baby Yoshi is sad.

But, don't worry, because we will try to post a random picture or two every once in awhile to sustain you.  :)
Thanks for following our blog each week!!!!!!

Until next time!

Wednesday, February 13, 2013

Twenty-Five Weeks!!

We can't believe it!   Baby Yoshi is already 25 weeks old!!  And, as you may have guessed...he is more awesome than ever!!!

This Baby Yosh has 2 bottom teeth!  Yikes!  He likes when you press on his teeth with your finger like this...

We have still been trying to get Peyton to eat different solids.  He continues to hate peaches.  We have had moderate success with bananas.  He made these faces, but still ate them!

I think we can say with confidence that he actually LIKES sweet potatoes.

Especially when he has nudie legs...


Peyton is still loving rice cereal no matter what he is wearing...

Baby Yoshi started playing the toy throwing game within the last couple of weeks.
Step 1-  Wave a toy wild in the air.
Step 2- Drop said toy.
Step 3-  Smile/Laugh when someone picks it up for you and gives it back.

Best game ever!

Here is a pre-throwing picture...

Baby Yoshi also started LOVING string and Mom's long hair recently.  He grabs at strings all day.

The Yosh had a great time with a dog shaped like a balloon at Grandma and Grandpa's this week.

Check out this awesome video of the balloon dog.  Your life will never be the same.

 When the weather was nice, we spent a lot of time on walks at Twin Lakes.  The lake is still frozen, but the warmer air felt great.

When it was colder, Mom and the Yosh took a walk at the mall.  Peyton was super excited...

In other news this week...

Peyton is still enjoying his piano...

And his Sophie the giraffe...

And owl hats...

And sucking his lip...

And grabbing his feet...

And grabbing lots of toys...

And putting toys on his head...

And staring at the camera...

And LAUGHING!  Enjoy this video of Baby Yoshi being super happy with Daddy!

That's all for now...  Baby Yosh loves to blog!!